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Computational Problem
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'''Computational Problem''' is a problem that can be solved using an algorithm executed on a computational model, such as a Turing machine. It involves defining an input, processing it through a set of rules or algorithms, and obtaining an output. ==Key Concepts== *'''Input:''' A well-defined set of data that the problem operates on. *'''Output:''' The expected result derived from the given input. *'''Algorithm:''' A finite sequence of steps that transforms the input into the output. *'''Complexity:''' The amount of computational resources (time and space) required to solve the problem. ==Types of Computational Problems== {| class="wikitable" !Type!!Description!!Example |- |'''Decision Problem'''||A problem with a yes/no answer.||"Is a given number prime?" |- |'''Function Problem'''||A problem where the output is a computed value.||"Find the greatest common divisor of two numbers." |- |'''Optimization Problem'''||A problem where the goal is to find the best solution among many.||"Find the shortest path between two cities." |} ==Examples== *'''Sorting Problem''' **Input: A list of numbers. **Output: The list sorted in ascending order. **Example Algorithm: Merge Sort, Quick Sort. **Complexity: O(n log n). *'''Graph Traversal Problem''' **Input: A graph and a starting node. **Output: A traversal order of nodes. **Example Algorithm: Breadth-First Search (BFS), Depth-First Search (DFS). **Complexity: O(V + E) (where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges). *'''Pathfinding Problem''' **Input: A weighted graph and two nodes. **Output: The shortest path between the nodes. **Example Algorithm: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, A* Algorithm. **Complexity: O((V + E) log V). ==Complexity Classes== Computational problems are categorized based on the resources required to solve them. {| class="wikitable" !Complexity Class!!Description!!Example Problems |- |P||Problems solvable in polynomial time.||Sorting, shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm). |- |NP||Problems verifiable in polynomial time.||Traveling Salesman Problem, Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT). |- |NP-complete||Hardest problems in NP; if one is solved in polynomial time, all NP problems can be solved in polynomial time.||3-SAT, Hamiltonian Cycle Problem. |- |NP-hard||At least as hard as NP-complete problems, but not necessarily in NP.||Halting Problem, TSP with arbitrary constraints. |} ==Applications== Computational problems are fundamental in: *'''Cryptography:''' Prime factorization, hash functions. *'''Artificial Intelligence:''' Machine learning optimization, heuristic search. *'''Operations Research:''' Linear programming, supply chain optimization. *'''Computer Vision:''' Object recognition, image segmentation. ==Open Problems== Some computational problems remain unsolved or require better solutions: *'''P vs NP Problem:''' One of the biggest open questions in computer science, asking whether every problem verifiable in polynomial time (NP) can also be solved in polynomial time (P). *'''Graph Isomorphism Problem:''' Finding an efficient algorithm to determine whether two graphs are structurally identical. *'''Integer Factorization:''' Used in cryptography, with RSA security relying on its difficulty. ==See Also== *[[Algorithm]] *[[Computational Complexity]] *[[Decision Problem]] *[[NP-Complete Problems]] *[[Turing Machine]] *[[Big O Notation]] [[Category:Algorithm]]
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