정부 조직 영어 명칭: 두 판 사이의 차이

(새 문서: {| class="wikitable" !'''연번''' !'''기관명(약칭)''' !'''영어 명칭''' !'''영어 약칭''' |- |1 |기획재정부 (기재부) |Ministry of Economy and Finance |MOEF |- |2...)
(차이 없음)

2021년 11월 26일 (금) 16:02 기준 최신판

연번 기관명(약칭) 영어 명칭 영어 약칭
1 기획재정부


Ministry of Economy and Finance MOEF
2 교육부 Ministry of Education MOE
3 과학기술정보통신부


Ministry of Science and ICT MSIT
4 외교부 Ministry of Foreign Affairs MOFA
5 통일부 Ministry of Unification MOU
6 법무부 Ministry of Justice MOJ
7 국방부 Ministry of National Defense MND
8 행정안전부


Ministry of the Interior and Safety MOIS
9 문화체육관광부


Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MCST
10 농림축산식품부


Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs MAFRA
11 산업통상자원부


Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy MOTIE
12 보건복지부


Ministry of Health and Welfare MOHW
13 환경부 Ministry of Environment ME
14 고용노동부


Ministry of Employment and Labor MOEL
15 여성가족부


Ministry of Gender Equality and Family MOGEF
16 국토교통부


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport MOLIT
17 해양수산부


Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries MOF
18 중소벤처기업부


Ministry of SMEs and Startups MSS
19 국가보훈처


Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs MPVA
20 인사혁신처


Ministry of Personnel Management MPM
21 법제처 Ministry of Government Legislation MOLEG
22 식품의약품안전처


Ministry of Food and Drug Safety MFDS
23 국세청 National Tax Service NTS
24 관세청 Korea Customs Service KCS
25 조달청 Public Procurement Service PPS
26 통계청 Statistics Korea KOSTAT
27 대검찰청 Supreme Prosecutors' Office SPO
28 병무청 Military Manpower Administration MMA
29 방위사업청


Defense Acquisition Program Administration DAPA
30 경찰청 National Police Agency NPA
31 소방청 National Fire Agency NFA
32 문화재청 Cultural Heritage Administration CHA
33 농촌진흥청


Rural Development Administration RDA
34 산림청 Korea Forest Service KFS
35 특허청 Korean Intellectual Property Office KIPO
36 질병관리청


Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency KDCA
37 기상청 Korea Meteorological Administration KMA
38 행정중심복합도시건설청


National Agency for Administrative City Construction NAACC
39 새만금개발청


Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency SDIA
40 해양경찰청


Korea Coast Guard KCG
41 방송통신위원회


Korea Communications Commission KCC
42 공정거래위원회


Korea Fair Trade Commission KFTC
43 금융위원회


Financial Services Commission FSC
44 국민권익위원회


Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission ACRC
45 원자력안전위원회


Nuclear Safety and Security Commission NSSC
46 개인정보보호위원회


Personal Information Protection Commission PIPC
47 대통령비서실 Office of the President -
48 국가안보실 Office of National Security ONS
49 대통령경호처


Presidential Security Service PSS
50 감사원 Board of Audit and Inspection BAI
51 국가정보원


National Intelligence Service NIS
52 국무조정실


Office for Government Policy Coordination OPC
53 국무총리비서실


Prime Minister's Secretariat PMS
54 고위공직자범죄수사처


Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials CIO
55 국가인권위원회


National Human Rights Commission NHRC