모든 공개 기록

IT 위키

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기록 목록
  • 2024년 11월 5일 (화) 06:27 핵톤 토론 기여님이 특수:Badtitle/NS102:CRISP-DM 문서를 만들었습니다 (Created page with "The Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) is a widely adopted methodology for data mining and analytics projects. Developed in the 1990s, CRISP-DM provides a structured, six-phase approach to guide data scientists and analysts through the process of developing and deploying data mining models. It is industry-agnostic, making it applicable to various fields and data science projects. == Phases of CRISP-DM == CRISP-DM consists of six main phases, each...")